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Title:Analysis of environmental modernization management of retail stores in the Internet Era -- Based on S-O-R theoretical model


1 Retail market environment

The research on the shopping environment of retail market first appeared in the 1960s. Early researchers believed that businesses should put forward different theories according to their own needs of service marketing management. Langeard (1981) first proposed the "service production model", which considered the impact of service level on customer consumption process, and pointed out that "Some supporting factors that customers can't see should be managed". The theory also emphasizes that customers' benefits from transactions are not limited to the four basic factors of "product, price, channel and promotion" defined by the traditional 4Ps marketing theory. "Service production model" Customers are regarded as a key part of the service production process, highlighting the core position of customers in the service production model: the visible area of customers is divided into four elements, namely, physical environment, service personnel, other customers in the service area and customers themselves. The focus of this area is on the effect, that is, effectively providing customers with appropriate experience; in the invisible part, it is We should pay attention to efficiency.

1. S-O-R model. Some cognitive psychological research findings have a far-reaching impact on the retail market environment theory. Among them, the most widely used is the S-O-R model, which is a model for understanding the basic process of human information processing. At first, it was the behaviorist stimulus response model (S-R paradigm), and then it developed to the stimulus organism response model (S-O-R paradigm) (see Figure 1). The theoretical basis of this model is that the atmosphere created by the physical environment can affect the individual's inner state, and then affect the individual's decision-making and behavior. Emotion is considered to play a very important role here because it will lead to the generation of behavior. Belk proposed that there is a relationship between environment, emotion and individual behavior in 1975, Kotler (1973) Donovan & Rossiter (1982) thinks that the shopping environment can affect the whole shopping process of consumers and defines the shopping environment as atmosphere This paper empirically tests that emotion is an important intermediary variable, which potentially affects customers' purchase intention and purchase behavior. It is found that a good environment can cause customers to produce pleasant emotions, promote customers to stay longer in the retail market and improve their purchase intention.

2. Classification of environmental factors in retail market. Baker (1987) He believes that the retail market environment can greatly affect customers' emotion and increase purchase behavior. He divides the environmental elements into background elements, design elements and social elements: first, background elements, that is, some invisible factors in the retail space that can affect customers' subconsciousness, such as temperature, music, noise, etc.; second, design elements, that can be seen directly by customers The factors that enter the subconscious level of customers include color, commodity display or retail market layout and architectural style; the third is social factors, which refers to the human factors in the environment, including employees and customers in the retail market and the sense of congestion. Baker's classification touches the psychological level of customers or people, and penetrates the impact of the environment into the bottom of the subconscious, Strong operability. Bitner (1992) The environment of the retail market is divided into three categories: one is the atmosphere element, which refers to the background factors outside the visual system in the spatial environment, including smell, temperature, background music, etc.; the other is the spatial display and functional elements, which refers to the layout and spatial relationship of the facilities and furnishings of the retail market, and the functional elements are the ability and value convenient for customers; the third is the symbol Number, logo and artificial products, even in the identification of signboards, environmental internal design and decoration, etc. This study is mainly based on Baker's three element theory (1987).

2 Research on shopping emotion and shopping behavior

Emotion is a kind of cognition in the psychological process. Its constituent elements are composed of cognitive evaluation, physical response, feeling, expression and action tendency. Consumption emotion is the feeling and behavior tendency in the consumption process. Consumption emotion is more urgent psychologically and has more potential motivation. The early research on consumption behavior was based on the hypothesis of rational economic man. But in fact, desire Expectation, emotion and motivation often affect people's consumption behavior, which is not rational most of the time.

In the study of emotions, Plutchik (1980) divided basic emotions into eight categories: fear, anger, pleasure, sadness, disgust, acceptance, expectation and surprise. Russel (1980) divided emotions into two dimensions: pleasure and intensity. Pleasure has two dimensions of pleasure and unhappiness; intensity has two dimensions of high intensity and medium intensity. Several dimensions are combined into four types: "Happiness" means pleasure - high intensity, "lightness" means pleasure - medium intensity, "fear" means unhappiness - high intensity, "boredom" means unhappiness - medium intensity. According to this method, emotions are divided around a ring, which is called the "ring model". Waston and Tellegen (1985) Russel's ring model is improved by dividing emotions into positive emotions and negative emotions. At the same time, emotions in the ring area are more specifically classified and have a more refined model (see Figure 2). Although the emotional scales used by researchers are different, there is a common understanding that emotions are divided into positive emotions (such as happiness, excitement, happiness, satisfaction, etc.) And negative emotions (such as depression, disappointment, sadness, dissatisfaction, etc.).


Retail stores play an important role in economic development. With the prevalence of Internet and e-commerce in recent years, the operation of traditional retail stores has been greatly impacted, and the retail industry is facing a reshuffle. At the same time, with the continuous progress of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, customers' consumption ideas are also changing. They are not only satisfied with going to retail stores for simple shopping, because they can purchase commercial products through e-commerce without leaving home. For today's consumers, Shopping in retail stores pays more attention to the enjoyment of the store environment in the shopping process and the pursuit of satisfaction in the consumption process and consumption experience.

1 First, the number of Internet users is increasing. Traditional consumer enterprises are faced with serving consumer groups who use the Internet for a long time and adapting to their consumption patterns. Before the large-scale consumption habits of Internet users, the business model of traditional consumption enterprises is facing great difficulties. If they do not actively embrace the Internet, they will face the risk of reducing revenue. Second, the youth of consumer groups. This leads to a strong sense of independence, the pursuit of individuality and the tendency to choose consumer categories independently. Traditional influence means are difficult to attract their attention. In addition, young consumer groups are more sociable and have a high acceptance of the impact of word-of-mouth, online popularity and live delivery, which are not the advantages of the traditional retail industry. Third, the change of consumption trend. The deepening application of the Internet also affects the consumption trend, especially the popularity of smart phones, making mobile terminals the main tool of consumption. Originally, shopping takes a long time. With the popularity of mobile terminals, how to use fragmented time to make people shop has become a new trend. How to make use of office workers' on the way, lunch break and night has become the key. Consumers' shopping behavior is no longer limited to physical stores, but more use fragmented time to shop on mobile terminals. To sum up, under the impact of the Internet, consumer groups have made great changes in shopping time, space and mode, which is an expansion of disadvantages for traditional consumer industries.

2 Changes in competition first, the huge impact of mainstream e-commerce on the traditional retail industry. With the rapid development of Alibaba and jd.com, e-commerce has penetrated into all aspects of the retail industry, including fresh distribution, online fitting room, physical experience, code scanning shopping and other modes, which not only shortens the intermediate links, but also enriches the experience of offline consumers. The traditional retail industry has retreated from mainstream retail to marginalization. Second, the large-scale advantages and threats of online sales. Network sales has shortened the intermediate links, more and more B2C, B2B and M2C models have emerged, coupled with the rapid development of logistics industry and information industry, which makes the cost advantages and scale advantages of mainstream e-commerce enterprises obvious, and the market share of traditional retail industry continues to shrink. 3 The change of retail mode is mainly reflected in the change of payment and communication. In terms of payment, the number of online payment users in China is increasing. Now people can use one mobile phone to solve all payment problems. Whether it is NFC payment, QR code payment or POS terminal payment, the mobile phone can be realized. The most critical link in the traditional retail industry is face-to-face transaction. When electronic payment becomes the most important way, the advantages of the traditional retail industry disappear. In terms of communication, consumers of traditional offline shopping need to go to stores to experience and communicate with clerks. This communication means face-to-face contact before and after sales, which requires more time and communication costs. Tiktok, voice and video can be achieved through continuous improvement of Internet technology, and official account and jitter can be achieved. The cost and difficulty of communication are greatly reduced. Moreover, whenever and wherever you want to buy any products from anywhere in the world, it can be realized, which simplifies the transaction links and shortens the transaction cycle. These changes have led to the traditional retail industry has no advantages.

Tentative research framework

Using the S-O-R model of Mehrabian & Russell (1974) as the theoretical basis, this paper puts forward the analysis framework of retail store environmental modernization management in the network era:

Stimuli represent external factors that affect an individual's internal state.

An organism represents the internal process and structure between a person's external stimulus and the final action, response or response.

Response refers to the customer's approach or avoidance behavior.

Extension of stimulus response theory.

标签: 零售业环境现代化管理分析

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