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1. Names of basic theoretical variables and theoretical components

Stimulus response (SOR) model has been widely used in the study of inhumane behavior. This was first proposed by environmental psychologists Mehrabian and Russell in 1974. Their theoretical model systematically shows a complete purchase process, from the beginning of stimulation to the end of product and service evaluation. Research shows that behavioral tendency is the result of individual cognitive state affected by various stimuli. According to their theory, stimulation refers to factors that may cause physiological or psychological reactions. Many studies have tried to investigate several stimulus variables at the same time and predict their subsequent effects. However, under specific environmental conditions, complex and numerous stimuli may interact. Therefore, it may blur the influence of each variable, and it is difficult to determine its corresponding behavior results. The complexity of stimulation leads to the reduction of the effectiveness of the experiment. Therefore, this study mainly discusses the single variable web page background color in the online shopping environment.

Other studies using this theoretical framework have also confirmed the effectiveness and validity of the SOR paradigm (slama and tashcian, 1987; Buckley, 1991; Partington, 2000; hee soon and Lim, 2013). Therefore, this study attempts to establish a framework based on Mehrabian Russell model, as shown in Figure 1. In this study, stimuli include hue and saturation of web page background color; As mentioned above, organism refers to pleasure and arousal; The response is regarded as the customer's purchase intention.

In the SOR model, the organism embodies the intermediary state of emotion and perception. It can mediate the relationship between stimulus and response. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) divided the intermediary state into the following three dimensions: happiness, awakening and domination. The happy unhappy dimension is used to describe the feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction. Non awakening measures the degree to which an individual is stimulated and active. Dominance represents the degree to which a person is restricted or free. Although these three dimensions are often used in relevant studies, few empirical results support the effectiveness of dominance obedience dimension. Russell and Pratt (1980) deleted the dominant factor because it cannot represent the individual's emotional response to all situations. Russell (1980) further believes that dominance has little applicable value rather than pure prediction. In practice, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) revealed that the buyer's response is the awakening and pleasure after empirically testing the Mehrabian Mussell model in retail stores. Therefore, the recent research on the application of two-dimensional scheme to "pad mode" is not the original three-dimensional theory: pleasure and motivation. Therefore, this paper does not consider the dominant category. The last part of the SOR model response is the result of the mediation state. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) divided behavioral response into approach or avoidance behavior. The method refers to the desire to stay and further explore the storage environment, so as to increase the frequency of repeated shopping and monetary expenditure. On the contrary, a person with avoidance behavior either avoids interacting with the environment or acts negatively.

2. Evolution of theory

Using sor model and pad classification, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) provided the first empirical test of retail atmosphere, indicating that atmospheric cues, as "stimuli", have a significant impact on shoppers' avoidance behavior, which is conceptualized as "response". Similarly, Arora (1982) evaluated the SOR model with LISERL analysis method and confirmed the effectiveness and reliability of the framework and the causal relationship between the three components.

What is sor mode - the general mode of human behavior is sor mode, that is, "stimulation - individual physiological and psychological response". This mode shows that consumers' purchase behavior is caused by stimulation, which comes from both the physiological and psychological factors inside consumers' bodies and the external environment. Consumers generate motivation under the stimulation of various factors. Driven by motivation, Make the decision to purchase goods, implement the purchase behavior, and evaluate the purchased goods and their relevant channels and manufacturers after purchase, so as to complete a complete purchase decision-making process.

The SOR model of cognitive psychology actually originated from behaviorism. At that time, people thought that emotional or behavioral disorders were directly caused by external stimuli. When behaviorism flourished, they felt that it was not necessary to study people's internal psychological process, so that people's complex behavior was attributed to "Stimulus" s + "response" R model. However, a large number of facts have proved that the emotional and behavioral performance of the same stimulus in different individuals can be two different extremes, which shows that all kinds of things in people's life must be mediated by cognitive processes such as theme selection, acceptance, evaluation and processing to cause corresponding emotions and behaviors. Therefore, on the basis of this model, cognitive psychologist Thomas proposed The SOR model emphasizes the influence of the internal mechanism on people's psychology and behavior

The general model of human behavior is sor model, that is, "stimulation - individual physiology, psychology - response" This model shows that consumers' purchase behavior is caused by stimulation, which comes from the physiological and psychological factors inside consumers' bodies and the external environment. Consumers generate motivation under the stimulation of various factors. Driven by motivation, they make decisions to buy goods, implement purchase behavior, and evaluate the purchased goods and their relevant channels and manufacturers after purchase Completed a complete purchase decision process.

Psychological sor (stimulus, organization, response) - sor is a learning theory proposed by cognitivism. It is mentioned in the learning theory of educational psychology. It seems unclear who proposed it. It may be that Bruner cognitivism, also known as cognitive school, is a learning theory, which is opposite to the theory of behaviorism school. Cognitive school scholars believe that learners through cognitive process.

What are the theoretical viewpoints of Tolman, hull, Skinner and Bandura? What are the differences in the understanding of mediating variables and reinforcement - Tolman symbol Gestalt influenced by Gestalt psychology, Tolman denies sandyk's law of effect and believes that reward or reinforcement plays a small role in learning. He puts forward a learning theory with obvious cognitive color and believes that organisms learn What you get is knowledge about the surrounding environment, the target location, and the means and ways to achieve the target.

Under the influence of Pavlovian conditional reverse experiment, Watson put forward stimulus response learning. Watson's theory holds that the behavior of organisms is completely explained in the terms of stimulus and response. He does not consider the internal state of organisms and believes that this part is a "black box" Therefore, the formula of this theory is also SR. Watson believes that the essence of learning is to form habits, and habits are to turn the scattered, unorganized and unconditional response to stimuli made by heredity into an organized and definite conditional response through learning. He puts forward two basic laws of learning. frequency law. Actions that can solve problems are indispensable in each practice; this SR sting (2) proximate cause law. Let the last successful action in the process of trial and error always be the last action in the previous exercise. Therefore, this action must be found earlier in the next exercise.

3. Application of theories related to the research topic

The research on the retail store environment is based on the purpose of building a better retail store shopping environment, providing a more pleasant shopping experience, retaining loyal customers and obtaining greater profits. The results of this study come from the empirical analysis in the author's Empirical Study on the impact of store environment on customers' shopping emotion and behavior. The impact of store environment on customers' emotion and shopping behavior based on sor (stimulus perception response) model exists objectively.

A. Retail store environment is a composite system composed of many factors

Referring to the research summary of previous scholars on the store environment, combined with empirical research, this paper verifies Baker's (1987) three-dimensional model, that is, the elements of the store environment are divided into background elements, design elements and social elements. On this basis, according to the reality of Chinese retail stores and the perception theory of psychology, the background elements are divided into visual stimulation Auditory stimulation and taste and tactile stimulation, which will imperceptibly affect customers' emotion and behavior; The design elements are subdivided into commodity display, store layout, channel design, cashier design and decoration style design. The design elements are very important. It not only provides the most intuitive and direct tools for commodity market segmentation and market positioning of retail stores, but also helps customers complete shopping tasks most conveniently and quickly, with both convenience and functional value; The social elements are subdivided into employee image, other customer image, sense of environmental crowding and queuing payment. Employee image includes external image such as employee appearance and service attitude. Other customer image refers to the appearance and attitude of shopping customers, and sense of crowding refers to the feeling of crowding caused by people flow or space during shopping.

B. Retail store environment has a significant impact on customers' shopping approach behavior (SR)

In the retail store environment, whether design elements, background elements or social elements, all significantly affect customers' shopping behavior. Design elements are the most influential factors among them, and design elements can be said to be the most influential factor affecting customers' shopping behavior (from the perspective of store environment). This also shows that customers will attach great importance to the design of the store. From the overall layout and overall structure of the store, to decoration, design and overall style, to commodity planning, commodity management and display, it shows that customers focus on the commodity itself and consider the comprehensive factors of the store; Social factors and background factors, such as background music, temperature, lighting, as well as employees' appearance and attitude, are also important factors affecting customers' shopping approach behavior. In the empirical analysis, the sense of crowding and queuing payment factors in social factors have little impact on customer emotion and shopping approach behavior. The possible reason is that China has a large population, so customers' tolerance of crowding and queuing is higher than that in foreign countries.

C. Retail store environment has a significant impact on customers' shopping mood (S-O)

Retail store environment especially has a significant impact on customers' positive emotions. Among them, background elements have the greatest impact on customers' shopping emotions. Background elements are discussed in combination with psychological perception theory. People's feelings and perceptions will have a great impact on people's emotions and behaviors. These lights, colors, lighting, background music, noise interference, temperature, smell in the store, etc, If handled properly, it will first attract customers to enter the store for experience. Secondly, when shopping in a good store, customers can also produce positive emotions. Finally, when they leave the store, they can also gain a happy and relaxed mood.

D. Customer emotion has a significant impact on customer shopping approach behavior (OR)

There is a significant positive correlation between customers' approach behavior and customers' positive emotions, but there is a negative correlation between negative emotions and approach behavior, but the correlation between negative emotions and approach behavior is weaker than positive emotions. Therefore, as businesses and their managers, they should strive to improve the management of retail store environment and enhance customers' positive emotions, Then produce greater positive effects, which is much better than trying to reduce customers' negative emotions.

4.     Analysis of application articles of S-O-R theory

A. Store environment

The research on the shopping environment of stores first appeared in the 1960s. Early researchers believed that service-oriented organizations should put forward different theories according to the needs of service marketing management. Langeard (1981) first proposed the "service production model", which considered the impact of service level on customer consumption process, and pointed out that "Some supporting factors that customers can't see should be managed". The theory also emphasizes that customers' benefits from transactions are not limited to the four basic factors of "product, price, channel and promotion" defined by the traditional 4Ps marketing theory. "Service production model" Customers are regarded as a key part of the service production process, highlighting the core position of customers in the service production model: the visible area of customers is divided into four elements, namely, physical environment, service personnel, other customers in the service area and customers themselves. The focus of this area is on the effect, that is, effectively providing customers with appropriate experience; in the invisible part, it is We should pay attention to efficiency.

S-O-R model. Some research findings of cognitive psychology have a far-reaching impact on the store environment theory. Among them, the most widely used is the S-O-R model, which is a model for understanding the basic process of human information processing. At first, it was the behavioral stimulus response model (S-R paradigm), and then it developed to the stimulus organism response model (S-O-R paradigm) (see Figure 1). The theoretical basis of this model is that the atmosphere created by the physical environment can affect the individual's inner state, and then affect the individual's decision-making and behavior. Emotion is considered to play a very important role here because it will lead to the generation of behavior. Belk proposed that there is a relationship between environment, emotion and individual behavior in 1975, Kotler (1973) Donovan & Rossiter (1982) thinks that the shopping environment can affect the whole shopping process of consumers and defines the shopping environment as atmosphere This paper empirically tests that emotion is an important intermediary variable, which potentially affects customers' purchase intention and purchase behavior. It is found that a good environment can cause customers to produce pleasant emotions, promote customers to stay longer in the store and improve their purchase intention.

Classification of environmental elements of stores. Baker (1987) He believes that the store environment can greatly affect customers' emotion and increase their purchase behavior. He divides the environmental elements into background elements, design elements and social elements: first, background elements, that is, some invisible factors in the retail space that can affect customers' subconsciousness, such as temperature, music, noise, etc.; second, design elements, that can be seen directly by customers The factors that enter the subconscious level of customers include color, commodity display or store layout, architectural style and other factors; the third is social factors, which refers to the factors related to people in the environment, including employees and customers in the store, and the sense of congestion. Baker's classification touches the psychological level of customers or people, and penetrates the impact of the environment into the bottom of the subconscious, which is more operable Strong. Bitner (1992) The environment of the store is divided into three categories: the first is the atmosphere element, which refers to the background factors outside the visual system in the space environment, including smell, temperature, background music, etc.; the second is the spatial display and functional elements, which refers to the layout and spatial relationship of the facilities and furnishings of the store, and the functional elements are the ability and value convenient for customers; the third is symbols and signs And artificial products, even in the identification of signs, environmental internal design and decoration, etc. This study is mainly based on Baker's three element theory (1987).

B. Research on shopping emotion and shopping behavior

Emotion is a kind of cognition in the psychological process. Its constituent elements are composed of cognitive evaluation, physical response, feeling, expression and action tendency. Consumption emotion is the feeling and behavior tendency in the consumption process. Consumption emotion is more urgent psychologically and has more potential motivation. The early research on consumption behavior was based on the hypothesis of rational economic man. But in fact, desire Expectation, emotion and motivation often affect people's consumption behavior, which is not rational most of the time.

In the study of emotions, Plutchik (1980) divided basic emotions into eight categories: fear, anger, pleasure, sadness, disgust, acceptance, expectation and surprise. Russel (1980) divided emotions into two dimensions: pleasure and intensity. Pleasure has two dimensions of pleasure and unhappiness; intensity has two dimensions of high intensity and medium intensity. Several dimensions are combined into four types: "Happiness" means pleasure - high intensity, "lightness" means pleasure - medium intensity, "fear" means unhappiness - high intensity, "boredom" means unhappiness - medium intensity. According to this method, emotions are divided around a ring, which is called the "ring model". Waston and Tellegen (1985) Russel's ring model is improved, and emotions are divided into positive emotions and negative emotions. At the same time, emotions in the ring area are more specifically classified and have a more refined model. Although the emotional scales used by researchers are different, there is a common cognition that emotions are divided into positive emotions (such as happiness, excitement, happiness, satisfaction, etc.) And negative emotions (such as depression, disappointment, sadness, dissatisfaction, etc.).


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